Walking, Eating, and More Walking: Asakusa (Part 2)

By Lani - 11:10:00 PM

After visiting the temple, there was a small street/park with food booths and other things. There was an old man sitting in one booths, carving kanji characters out of wood! It was quieter than the other streets that were crowded with people. My dad saw a shaved ice booth and ended up getting one. I laughed at first, but after I tasted it, I couldn't stop eating. Haha! It was very refreshing even though it wasn't a hot day.

Kitchen Street was next on our itinerary. And we ended up getting lost on the way there. It wasn't all bad though since we were able to explore a street we didn't know about. I, surprisingly, wasn't scared or nervous when I knew we were lost. Thankfully, a nice man helped us out and pointed us in the right direction.
Seeing all the different restaurant items in the stores along Kitchen Street was interesting. There were knives, utensils, fake food, uniforms, and many other items. I noticed that the chairs that were being sold were smaller than the ones in America. There was also a bunch of different chopstick holders that were pretty and cute.

After all that walking, we were all tired and thirsty. We headed back to Ueno and stopped in front of a Starbucks. Being the Starbucks lover that I am, I was very curious at how Japan's would be. It was the same in ambience, though the one we were at was very crowded. (There were no seats.) And I was shocked to find that the cream on their green tea frappuccino was not sweet! It just tasted like bland milk. We relaxed on the stairs in front of the Starbucks and regained some of our energy, before setting off towards Ameyoko Street!

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