Spring Gala (Prom?)

By Lani - 5:00:00 PM

My first ever prom-like dance. It was definitely an experience, curling hair with friends, putting on the makeup, wearing the fancier dresses with heels, the whole shebang.

The getting ready process took a little over four hours. Demi, her friend, and I all got ready together and I was one of the first one's finished because my hair is a lot shorter than theirs and my makeup wasn't that extravagant. Hair and makeup is definitely not my kind of thing. I'm a wake up and go type of girl. Haha!

The event was held in a big ball room with dimmed colored lights. There were many tables and I immediately noticed that the cliques grabbed their own tables while there were some people that went from group to group. The DJ was a pretty nice guy, he took requests and had everyone participate in giveaway games and other fun stuff. 
I spent the majority of my time on the dance floor with the others. That's when I learned that I love dancing in large crowds. We formed our own small circle amongst our group and just went with the loud pumped up music. I felt so free and flowing, moving my body to the music, eyes closed, without a care in the world. My feet were so sore by the end of the night.
One guy in particular stood out to me during the event. He would be on the dance floor, doing crazy movements, not caring what anybody thought, with this serious look on his face. I would see him travel across the dance floor, weaving in and out between people and a part of me was envious at how independent and uncaring he was. To be able to dance like no one is watching, and yet putting yourself in the center of a large dance circle, is quite profound in my opinion. 

Even though I had a fun time and I really appreciate being able to go to this type of event at least once, I don't think I'd want to go to another prom-like dance. The cliques and teenage vibe wasn't that appealing to me and the whole getting-ready-together bonding wasn't as fun as some girls make it out to be. So, no one ask me out to their prom, okay? Haha! Just kidding!

Thanks for reading! And thanks to Demi's group for letting me crash their prom/gala!


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