New York City, Baby!

By Lani - 1:30:00 PM

New York City, another thing I get to cross off my bucket list.

Our first sightseeing stop was Time Square and it was exactly what I was expecting, so large with all the bright advertisements surrounding the street. Even though it was pretty crowded, I really liked Times Square. It's definitely a nice place to photograph. After seeing it, I'd like to go back there for New Year's someday and see the ball drop at midnight.

New York City reminded me of Tokyo, a harsher version of Tokyo, because of how a lot of people get around by walking and there's a subway system. Since my friend and I were in a bagel loving phase, even though we just finished eating pretzels, we went to a bagel shop with all kinds of different cream cheeses and bagels. I wanted to try all of them, but I only had the stomach for the classic everything bagel with regular cream cheese. Hopefully, one day, I can go and try all the different flavors.

The view of the city from the Rockefeller Center was so wondrous and vast. We were up 70 floors high; I had my camera in hand and was snapping away at the beautiful landscape. One thing that made me chuckle was this random guy that came up to us and asked if he could take a photo with us. He probably did it as a dare, but it was still entertaining to me.

Central Park was one of my favorite parts of New York City. The change from the city clamor to the calm scenic park walks was immediate once we entered Central Park. It's an enormous park full of green and pretty fountains and long walkways through trees. We only got to spend time on one side of the park, but I loved it nonetheless. My friend and I had been playing around with the cup song for fun for a few days and decided it would be fun to perform in the outdoors. It took some courage, but we finally chose a semi-secluded spot in the park and sang our hearts out. It was a lot of fun!

By the time we got to Grand Central Station, my camera's battery had run out, which is why I have no photos to show sadly. But, it was such a grand (pun intended) station. The mural on the ceiling was lovely and watching the hustle bustle of all the people from the upper floor was interesting. It was also cool because I've seen a lot of movies and television shows that filmed scenes in the station. 

There's so much I didn't get to do during my short time in NYC, but that gives me all the more reason to come back again. And I definitely will in the future!

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