teamLAB Borderless

By Lani - 12:33:00 PM

"Leave chaos as is but cause it to evolve."
- teamLab Borderless

teamLab Borderless is a digital art museum located in Odaiba, Tokyo.
It is a collection of artworks intertwined together into one "borderless" world.
You need to buy tickets in advance in order to visit the museum!
I'll leave the address and their website below if you're interested in the experience!

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My brain and heart were ecstatic.
The lights, the colors, the music.
The wholeness of the entire experience was breathtaking.
It was truly border-less,
leaving us to wander through the dark in a collage of artwork. 

One of my favorite pieces was the LED light room.
With mirrors on the floor, it made the room feel infinite.
The rain sequence made it look like worlds colliding.

I didn't know what to expect walking in.
And I was completely blown away by the entire production.
This place opened my eyes and made me feel like anything was possible.
If you love digital art and interactive exhibits, this is the place for you.

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MORI Building DIGITAL ART MUSEUM: teamLab Borderless
Odaiba Palette Town, 1-3-8 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan


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